The History and Significance of Blue Porch Ceilings

the history and significance of blue porch ceilings

Blue is a beautiful hue, but one of its most the history and significant of blue porch ceilings qualities is its calming effects. Its resemblance to the sky and water make it a natural choice for porch ceilings, where people tend to relax in rocking chairs after a long day. It is also said that the color tricks wasps, ants, and other bugs into thinking the ceiling is the sky, discouraging them from nesting in the seating areas of a porch.

The tradition of painting porch ceilings blue first began with the Gullah Geechee, descendants of enslaved Africans in coastal Georgia and South Carolina. Their folklore held that haints, or evil spirits, could not cross water, so porch ceilings were painted to mimic the ocean and keep them at bay. The practice soon spread across the south and beyond, as many homeowners believed it was a good way to protect their homes from spirits.

Beneath the Blue Canopy: The History and Significance of Blue Porch Ceilings

Today, the tradition continues on many historic homes in Louisiana and across the country. Some owners paint their porch ceilings to keep with a southern tradition, while others choose the hue because of its soothing qualities. A painted ceiling can also add curb appeal and extend the daylight hours, especially when viewed from the street.

To paint your own porch ceiling, be sure to use mildew-resistant paint and a primer rated for exterior use. It is also important to choose a shade that complements the rest of the home’s paint scheme. If you need help choosing a color, the professionals at MLM Incorporated can assist you in finding the perfect match for your home.

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