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Web Design Tips - Safe Slope

There’s a reason we call it “Web Design Booth” instead of “website user experience”—it’s really about making your website attractive and easy to use. Whether that’s based on aesthetics, the order of elements, or even color, there are some simple rules you should follow when designing your site.

A clean design is essential. Rather than filling every pixel with something, leave white space to draw attention to areas that you want your visitors to notice. This allows your visitors to take in information without being distracted by the rest of the page—which is important for keeping them engaged and converting them into customers.

Establish a Hierarchy

Your website’s content can easily become confusing if it doesn’t have a clear hierarchy. The first step is establishing what your highest priorities are for each page—and then eliminating or moving items that aren’t as high-priority elsewhere on the website. For example, in the home screen of the Intenz website above, Top Level designer Slaviana features only the navigation menu and the main call-to-action to keep the site clean and uncluttered.

Then, to help readers navigate your site, make sure that the most important elements are highlighted with a combination of layout and color—for instance, enlarging things like firm names and logos. This way, readers can innately follow your breadcrumbs and understand the structure of the site. You can also incorporate other design principles to emphasize your information, including contrast and spacing.

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